Click on the link of your choice to view a few of our custom installations.
If you have any questions about these or other applications, please contact us for assistance.
Cat 330 (DP150) with a Mitsubishi Engine — Red Dot R-8545 Backwall Evaporator Unit, R-9720
Remote Mount Condenser Unit, Custom Compressor Bracket and Pulley, 300-5074 Compressor Installation
Clark C50SD Forklift — Red Dot/Apex System Installation
Doosan D160 with a DL06 5.9L Engine — Red Dot R-9755 Headliner Evaporator Unit, R-9720 Remote Mount
Condenser Unit, O.E. Compressor Bracket, O.E. Denso Compressor Installation
Hoist P550 with a 5.9L Cummins Engine — Red Dot R-6830 Backwall Evaporator Unit, R-9720 Remote Mount Condenser Unit,
315-7350 Compressor Bracket, 300-4210 Compressor Installation
JLG 8042 Skytrak with a Cummins QSB3.3T Engine — Mobile Climate Control 325 Universal Mount Evaporator-Heater Unit, 950-3007 Remote Mount Condenser Unit, Custom Built Compressor Bracket, 300-4443 Sanden Compressor Installation
JLG Skytrak — MCC 325 Ductable Evaporator/Heater Unit, Remote Mount Condenser Installation
Komatsu V70 — Red Dot R-9727 Rooftop Evaporator-Condenser Unit, Sanden #5073 Compressor Installation
Linde H140 with a Cummins QSB3.8L Engine — Red Dot R-6840 Backwall Evaporator Unit, 950-3055 Remote Mount
Condenser Unit, Custom Built Compressor Bracket, 300-5075 Sanden Compressor Installation
Toyota 8FG70V Forklift — Red Dot/Apex System Installation
Toyota 8FDU25 with a 1DZ-3 (2.4L) Toyota Diesel Engine — Red Dot R-2300 Universal Evaporator, R-9720 Rooftop
Condenser, 300-4214 Compressor, Custom Built Compressor Bracket with an add-on pulley Installation
Toyota 8FDU30 with a 1DZ-3 (2.4L) Toyota Diesel Engine — Red Dot R-2300 Universal Evaporator, R-9720 Rooftop
Condenser Unit, 300-4214 Compressor, Custom Built Compressor Bracket with an add-on pulley Installation
Toyota 7FGU35 with a 4.3L GM Engine — Red Dot R-2300 Universal Evaporator, R-9720 Rooftop Condenser,
Custom Built Compressor Bracket with add on pulley Installation
Toyota 8FGU32 with a Toyota 4cyl Engine — Red Dot R-2300 Universal Evaporator, R-9720 Rooftop Condenser,
Custom Built Compressor Bracket with add on pulley Installation
Toyota 8FD70U with a 1KD Diesel Engine — Red Dot R-6101 Reverse Roof-mount Installation